Partners in Prosperity

how it works

Proven Solutions for Economic Growth

If you are a bold political leader committed to unleashing the potential of your people, Próspera can empower you with proven solutions. Próspera’s Platform catalyzes the development of new cities within well governed Special Economic Zones, anchored by free-market principles.

We call these Prosperity Zones.

Platform Features

Próspera’s Governance Platform has the institutional transparency and stability that international investors look for, while ensuring that the government and people receive economic benefits.

Accelerate GDP Growth

International investment can boost economic vitality across multiple sectors.

Attract Global Talent

Attract ambitious  entrepreneurs to start new companies in your jurisdiction.

Institution Design

Deploy a stable legal and economic system based on international best practices.

visit the rifc

E-Governance Platform

Our digital portal creates efficient and direct ways to assure KYC compliance, low cost access to services, and tax collection.


Tax Attractiveness

Competitive rates for businesses and individuals to spur growth and investment.

Dispute Resolution

A proven framework for clear and just legal arbitration.


Regulatory Choice

Firms can operate under the most favorable conditions in the world.

Real Estate Expertise

A world-class network of development partners who know how to build.

Substantiated Results

Decades of rapid growth in Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong demonstrate that, when properly designed, relatively small areas can have a transformative positive impact on the lives of people by driving economic growth, employment opportunities, and trade, especially in developing countries.

Foreign Direct Investment in Special Economic Zones (2021 World Investment Report)

SEZ contributions to China’s economy (World Bank)

SEZ economic impact (Journal of Development Economics 2013)

Dubai 1970

Dubai now

Hong Kong 1967

Hong Kong now

Shenzhen 1964

Shenzhen now

Singapore 1976

Singapore now

How it Works

Step 1

Validate Enabling Conditions

1. Strong political leadership establishes that there is political will committed to driving change.

2. Substantial portion of the population is in need of and wants better jobs.

3. Country is not attracting the level of FDI it would like.

Step 2

Feasibility Study

Understand current legal framework and requirements to establish a Próspera zone.

Step 3

Pass Enabling Legislation

We help develop model legislation and facilitate the legislative, political, and legal process as necessary.

Step 4

Vision Development and Planning

On a parallel path to the legislative framework being established, we develop a roadmap including a vision master plan and site selection process. This includes strategic analysis of catalyst industries based on local resources and geographic advantages.

Step 5

Aggregate Supply and Demand

We work with our host government and international partners to identify companies, industries, and residents that will be the first-movers of the new Próspera city.

Step 6

Break Ground on a New Próspera City

The exciting time when the development begins bringing capital to the area, building the components of a world class city, and creating employment opportunities that benefit local communities.

Step 1

Validate Enabling Conditions

1. Strong political leadership establishes that there is political will committed to driving change.

2. Substantial portion of the population is in need of and wants better jobs.

3. Country is not attracting the level of FDI it would like.

Step 2

Feasibility Study

Understand current legal framework and requirements to establish a Próspera city.

Step 3

Enabling Legislation

We help develop model legislation and facilitate the legislative, political, and legal process as necessary.

Step 4

Vision Development and Planning

On a parallel path to the legislative framework being established, we develop a roadmap including a site selection process and vision master plan. This includes strategic analysis of catalyst industries based on local resources and geographic advantages.

Step 5

Aggregate Supply and Demand

We work with governmental and international partners to identify companies, industries, and residents that will be the first-movers of the new Próspera city.

Step 6

Break Ground on a New Próspera City

The exciting time when the development begins bringing capital to the area, building the components of a world class city, and creating employment opportunities that benefit local communities.

Launching in Honduras

Legal Framework

In 2013, Honduras created a constitutional legal framework that would allow the establishment of the first charter city in the Western Hemisphere.

The framework enabled Próspera to work with the Honduran government, subject to international law, to establish the new jurisdiction’s semi-autonomous legal, administrative, and regulatory institutions.


Prospera’s Governance Platform is already catalyzing dramatic economic change in Honduras.

10s of millions invested in Honduras

$5B pledged for development in Satuye

1000s of jobs created at 4x the national average


Prospera’s Governance Platform is already catalyzing dramatic economic change in Honduras.

10s of millions invested in Honduras

$5B pledged for development in Satuye

1000s of jobs created at 4x the national average

Ready to Partner?

Learn more about partnering with Próspera and the economic vitality that we can unlock together.

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